A versatile and professional software engineer based in Latakia, Syria with a commitment to and
experience of developing innovative and creative software solutions. Able to perform full software development
life cycle activates.
Currently persuing a Master degree in Software Engineering and Information Systems.
I do belive that the next industrial revolution will be lead by AI and Blockchain pionners.
A pref introduction to Neural style transfer
A pref introduction Model based IOT
A research paper in the field of IoT security
Detailed Description of Markov Chains
A paper on BigData in smart cities
07/2018 – Present
Worked on a team developing the main delivery software for the company
06/2017 – 06/2018
February 2018 - Present
Masters degree in Web Science
February 2017 - Present
Master's of science in Software engineering and information systems
September 2010 - February 2016
Bachelor degree in Information engineering (Computer Science) majored in Software Engineering and Information System
Please feel free to contact me for any consulting, questions or job :)
Latakia, Syria, 7th avenue project